The snow is still on the ground but we’ve had a lot of sunny days, so the snow has gradually been melting.
Students are very busy today preparing for a number of student-led activities in celebration of Chinese New Year! This is a very important holiday for a number of our students – one that’s normally celebrated with family. Now that ISAK is our family, the students are happily teaching each other about the meaning and traditions of Chinese New Year in their countries, and enjoying the opportunity to take part in the festivities. Photos from the celebrations will appear on ISAK’s Instagram account and in next week’s newsletter.
Speaking of Instagram – this is a different way for you to keep up to date with the news and events at ISAK. Please consider opening a free account in order to access ISAK’s official Instagram feed.
The PSAT results were finally sent to us by the College Board (the organization that administers the test) after many delays. This information has been shared with the students and parents/guardians. If you didn’t receive the general information from our university counselors or if you have any questions, please be sure to contact them directly: [email protected] & [email protected]
The February Holiday begins at ~5pm on Wednesday, February 17. Students are permitted to leave ISAK at that time and should return before check-in on Sunday, February 21. Students may also stay at ISAK during the break. As a reminder, please email me if you would like to give your child permission to leave ISAK during the holiday.
Other News:
The annual Karuizawa International Potluck was held last Saturday and a small group of students volunteered to cook and participate. They not only met residents of Karuizawa, but also got to pound mochi by hand and take a photo with the mayor of Karuizawa! Read more about the potluck here.

Last weekend 42 young leaders from Global Shapers, selected from the World Economic Forum, visited ISAK to empower our students. The event gave our students the opportunity to interact with successful young adults who are working in a variety of careers.
You can read more about the Global Shapers event here.
– Ms. Murabayashi, ISAK Assistant Head of School