10th Anniversary Campaign

Winter School

Looking for something different this winter break? Be part of our Winter School where you’ll spend five days interacting with current UWC ISAK Japan students, exploring new perspectives, and making new friends in Nagano’s winter wilderness!

At a Glance

Life-changing Experience

Program Highlights

Our Winter School program is based on UWC ISAK Japan’s years of experience educating young people through our High School and Summer School programs. Here are a few highlights of what to expect at Winter School.

Outstanding Faculty

Our faculty are deeply experienced in UWC ISAK Japan-style education and are passionate about teaching young people how to be future leaders.

International Atmosphere

Students currently enrolled in our high school program will be helping with Winter School so you can interact with people from countries around the world. Past Summer School staff will also be present bringing many new perspectives and ideas.

Transformative Program

Our Winter School program is uniquely designed for young people seeking to discover more about themselves, others, and to learn how to act forthrightly to create positive change in the world.

Program Outline

Exploration and Curiosity

This is your first opportunity to get in touch with UWC ISAK Japan’s unique educational approach. At Winter School you will explore themes such as leadership, diversity and creating change. Exploring new parts of the world, yourself and others. Many questions will be raised, asked and answered. Together we will embark on a journey of new possibilities and gaining new perspectives.

Design Thinking and Learning

A key component of Winter School is Design Thinking and the ideas and mindsets embedded in it. You will learn how you can design solutions and change processes from a human perspective. How to empathize with others, ideate many ideas and how to prototype and test your ideas and solutions. In the range of lessons and workshops we offer you will learn about the world, how other people live their lives and form your own view and opinion on it.

Future Change Project and Teamwork

In a short time span of just a couple of days you will identify a problem and work towards a solution. With your peers you will work together connecting all that you have learned and the skills you gained in order to solve a real life problem. At Winter School you will experience what real teamwork looks and feels like and bring home your new found insights and skills.


Students rated Winter School with a 9.6 in 2021

The memorable thing in Winter School was my relationships with all of the people but the most was how I got to think outside the box in classes and the final project. It has influenced my thinking because before, I thought it was impossible for me to make changes to the world at my age but now I think I can make change if I try to and take action.

Everything that I experienced was memorable, but the future change project had the most influence on my thinking. I learned it is important to think about every stakeholder…Thank you for making this not only the highlight of 2021, but also my life!

It was a good program to be creative and come up with ideas, and to be able to discuss with students, and also socializing with different people.

The most memorable thing is to be considerate of others and know that we are all different people with different opinions, so its not unusual for us to have different ideas and it is important for everyone to take in each other's ideas and build upon those ideas even if one does not agree with them. I learned that people could always learn something new from other people because not all people look at the same thing with the same perspectives and opinions.

Program Details

Program Dates

December 26-30, 2023



Application Fee


Financial Aid

Please fill in the Financial Aid application with your application, do note that the amount of financial aid available is very limited.


Program Venue: UWC ISAK Japan Campus
Accommodation: Japanese-style facility nearby UWC ISAK Japan


Up to 50 students*

* To achieve its experiential goals, Winter School requires a minimum enrollment of 35 students. If we are not able to secure 35 enrollments, Winter School will be canceled and full refunds will be offered.

Who Can Apply

Application Period

October 13 - November 13, 2023

Age Eligibility

Students aged 12-13 (born between between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011)

Requirements to Apply

Winter School will be held in English so language ability will be considered, but even more importantly, Winter School students should be passionate, curious, creative, and willing to engage.

How to Apply

Applications will open on October 13th. Information about the application process will be uploaded here in due time.

Step 1


Check your eligibility: You are born between between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011 (12 – 13 years old during Winter School)

Step 2


Start your application by creating a profile on our portal or logging back in if you have used our application portal before.

Step 3


Complete your application which includes some short essay questions and a 2-minute video assignment by paying the ¥2000 application fee.

If you need to apply for financial assistance, please fill in the financial aid form within your application. Financial Assistance requests submitted after you have submitted your application will not be considered. Be aware there is very limited financial assistance available for Winter School.

Step 4


Submit your application as soon as possible and before the deadline of November 13, 2023.

Step 5


Results will be available by November 25, 2023.


When should I submit my application? 
Submit your application as soon as possible. Applications will not be accepted after November 13th.

How will my application be assessed?
Your application will be assessed based on a few short essays and a 2-3 minute video that you will submit in your application form.

Do I need to be fluent in English?
No, you don’t need to be fluent in English. We are not assessing your English skill, but the Winter School will be conducted in English.

When will I know if my application was successful?
Results will come out on the 25th of November.

Will there be a waitlist?
Yes. Strong applications might be added to the waitlist. This means that you will have the chance to attend Winter School if a place opens up.

I have a Japanese passport and live overseas. Can I still apply?
Yes you can apply, as long as you can comply with the most current border restriction requirements from the government.

I am coming from overseas and need to organize travel and quarantine. Will UWC ISAK take care of this for me?
Unfortunately, we can’t help with international travel and quarantine arrangements. If you are able to come to Japan on your own and meet us in Karuizawa at the set date and time you are welcome to apply.

How many participants will attend?
There will be a maximum number of 50 students and a minimum number of 35 students. If we are not able to secure 35 enrollments, we do not believe Winter School will be able to achieve its experiential goals for our students. In that case, Winter School will be canceled and full refunds will be offered.

How can I contact my child during the program? 
Please contact your child by emailing the Winter School team. If it is an emergency, please call us. Contact details will be provided to accepted participants.

Is it possible to accommodate food for religious and allergies? 
Yes. We accommodate food for each person who has food restrictions or religious requirements.

How do you handle illness and injuries? Are there any clinics/ hospitals nearby?
If a student needs to go to a clinic or hospital, a Winter School staff member will take the student and we will report to parents about health conditions.

Can participants use a cell phone during the program?
No. In order for students to fully focus on the program and have interaction with students from UWC ISAK Japan, we will keep your cell phone and other electronic devices until you leave.

Is it possible for family and/or friends to visit while Winter School is in session? 
Because of the intensive nature of the experience, we will not hold a visiting day.

When is the deadline for tuition payment? 
The deadline for tuition payment is due December 1st.

Under what circumstances could Winter School be canceled? 
Winter School could be canceled if: less than 35 participants attend; COVID-19 poses a significant threat; or, a natural disaster or other unforeseen event means it is unsafe to hold Winter School.

What happens if UWC ISAK Japan cancels Winter School?
If UWC ISAK Japan cancels Winter School, we will refund your tuition.

What happens if the student cancels their attendance?
A participant can cancel up to December 7th and receive a refund. Cancellations made after December 7th can not be refunded. Please send us an email to cancel.

Do students need to bring a computer or tablet? 
No. Students do not need to bring their own laptop computer or tablet. All the electronic devices (e.g. laptop, tablet, cell phone, camera, game devices) must be turned in on the day of your arrival. We will return your items on the day of departure.

Can students use a cell phone during the program? 
No. In order for students to fully focus on the program and have interaction with students from UWC ISAK Japan, we will keep your cell phone and other electronic devices until you leave.

Is it okay to bring my own camera and take photos? 
If you bring a camera, it will be collected on the first day of winter school and returned to you on the last day. But, don’t worry, UWC ISAK Japan staff will be taking lots of photos and we will share the pictures with you after the program. We will also post pictures on our website and Facebook page during the program so parents can follow along.

Do students need to bring extra spending money?
There is no need to bring spending money. All activities and outings are included in the program and there are no shopping excursions during the winter school. Please bring some change for the coin laundry if you intend to do laundry during the camp.

Is it possible to accommodate food for religious and allergies? 
Yes. We accommodate food for each person who has food restriction or religious requirements.

Can I bring snacks? 
Yes, but we will keep your snacks until the last day of the program in order to prevent problems for your roommates who may have particular food allergies.

Do I need to bring my own hairdryer? 
There will be hairdryers available for the students.

Can I do my laundry?
Yes, there will be laundry facilities available. A coin laundry is available at the accommodation, so please bring small change for your laundry.

May I bring my electronic English dictionary? 
Yes. You may bring your dictionary and use it in your workshops.

Will anyone be waiting for me at Karuizawa Station?
Yes! A UWC ISAK staff member will be waiting for you at Karuizawa station. Details on which exit to take will be sent to accepted participants.

I’m driving to Karuizawa for Winter School. Where should I drop off my child? 
Please drop your child off at Karuizawa station. The exact time and location will be shared closer to the Winter School start date.

Is it possible for family and/or friends to visit while Winter School is in session? 
Because of the intensive nature of the experience, we will not hold a visiting day.

Is there a plan for dealing with COVID-19 ?
Yes. The procedures and plans for COVID-19 will be shared with participants when offers are sent out. We will do our utmost to minimize and manage the risk COVID-19 poses to our Winter School community.

How do you handle illness and injuries? Are there any clinics/ hospitals nearby? 
If a student needs to go to a clinic or hospital, a Winter School staff member will take the student and we will report to parents about health conditions.

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Imagine… if there was an ISAK lower school!

Dear Friends of UWC ISAK,

UWC ISAK is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We are proud of where we’ve come from, and we are excited about the next decade.

At this important milestone, we are wondering – in pursuit of broadening our impact, could an ISAK Lower School be considered as one of the options and would it be feasible? A school that embraces ISAK values and vision for a better future?

As we embark on this journey, if you would like to participate in possible market research and receive updates, please subscribe to our mailing list.