10th Anniversary Campaign

Meet The Team (Winter School)


Hello, I am Huzil, a final-year undergraduate student at Waseda University, Tokyo. I am a travel enthusiast! Throughout my life, I have lived in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Egypt, Greece, France, and now Japan. Due to my background, I love to explore and immerse myself in different cultures and try out foods all over the world! In my free time, I like watching soccer matches, mainly the Premier League, and I am also currently learning different musical instruments. I can’t wait for the winter school to start and meet all the eager-to-learn students! 🙂

Karan Ishii
OEd & Residential Coordinator

Hi, I’m Karan! I’m a cell biology PhD student studying adhesion forces at the University of Toronto and grew up in Singapore, New York, and London, attending international schools, local public schools, and Saturday Japanese schools before going to university at UCLA . I spent my university holidays working at an outdoor camp in rural Niigata where I developed my love of facilitating programs for young people. Very excited to join the ISAK team again to lead outdoor activities and get to know everyone in the winter school community! Come chat with me about science, urban planning, Kyoto, and skiing!


I’m Miri, a freshman at Minerva University, intending to major in Theory of Art and Psychology. Besides academics. I’m into entertainment and doing an internship as a planner at the Poop Museum! Have you ever believed “Poop is cute?” I believe it! If you want to discuss creating exciting ideas or overturning our common sense entertainingly, please come to me! Also, from my own neurodiverse experience, I deeply consider our differences, especially whether each person feels comfortable or not. If someone feels uncomfortable with attending anything, I would appreciate sharing the concern and trying to think of another way you can fully enjoy this camp!


I spent my childhood in an Indian school until I joined UWC ISAK Japan in 2016. My passion for understating the intricacies of human behavior led to studying subjects such as psychology, brain science and data analysis in Waseda University.
In my free time I enjoy reading, journaling, meditating and playing baseball. I am excited to meet and grow with all of you in winter school!


In the last month of my stay in Japan, where I will be graduating from Waseda University and going to the UK to further my studies in conflict resolution and peacebuilding, I am very happy to be able to come back again as a member of the UWC ISAK team to enjoy the summer time in Karuizawa with teenagers from all over the world. Born in China, I have lived in Japan, the United States, the Philippines, and Switzerland in the past for the purpose of traveling, working, and studying. Thanks to my colorful educational background and environment, I have been blessed with an extremely diverse and international culture. With such diverse experiences, I appreciate UWC ISAK’s educational principle of stimulating students’ motivation and sense of ownership based on full respect of each individuals. I sincerely hope that during these two weeks I will be able to create another happy memory with all the students that will be worth remembering.

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Imagine… if there was an ISAK lower school!

Dear Friends of UWC ISAK,

UWC ISAK is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We are proud of where we’ve come from, and we are excited about the next decade.

At this important milestone, we are wondering – in pursuit of broadening our impact, could an ISAK Lower School be considered as one of the options and would it be feasible? A school that embraces ISAK values and vision for a better future?

As we embark on this journey, if you would like to participate in possible market research and receive updates, please subscribe to our mailing list.