ISAK教員ワークショップ2016:カリキュラム合同開発ワークショップを開催します – Educators’ Workshop

Information about this event in English is available at the bottom of this post.


  • 目的:学科及び好奇心・共感力・リーダーシップ・多様性理解などの非認知能力の教育、また、それらを融合させた分野横断型の授業カリキュラムを開発します。地域や学校を超え、アクティブ・ラーニングを始めとした新しい学びのスタイルにご関心をお持ちの先生方同士に協働の機会をご提供いたします。
  • ワークショップを通して持ち帰っていただくもの:
  • 日時:2016年5月21日(土)10:00 〜22日(日)16:00
  • 場所:軽井沢(詳細の場所はご参加者の皆様にご連絡いたします)
  • 参加資格:
    ⑴ 全人教育・アクティブラーニングにご関心をお持ちの方、
    ⑵ 原則として全日程に参加可能な方、
  • 対象:中高の教員の方々が中心です。それ以外の方々からの参加申込みもお受けいたしますが、チームでカリキュラム開発をするというイベントテーマの関係上、内容は中等教育課程に焦点が当たりますことをご了承ください。
  • 人数:70名
  • 言語:日本語(一部英語のワークショップもありますが、英語部分は日本語の解説・通訳をご用意いたしますので英語に自信のない方でも大丈夫です。)
  • 参加費:26,180円(食費・懇親会費・宿泊費込、交通費別)
  • 申し込み締切:4/18(月) 24:00
  • タイムスケジュール
    10:00 オープニング
    10:30 アドバイザー陣によるワークショップ
    12:00 ランチ
    13:00 イベントのルール説明
    13:30 グループに分かれてカリキュラム開発開始
    18:30 懇親会
    9:00 作業続行
    12:00 ランチ
    13:00 チームのプレゼン開始
    14:30 フィードバック・セッション
    15:00 クロージング
    16:00 解散
  • ゲストアドバイザー:

ジム・マスカー(Jim Masker) 米カリフォルニアの名門全寮制高校において30年間社会科の教員として活躍する。教育の最終的な目標は人間らしく持続可能な未来を創ることだと信じており、国際交渉、歴史学、再生可能エネルギー、比較政治、気候変動など様々なテーマのカリキュラムを作る。その他、多様なワークショップ、セミナー、教員研修、コミュニティ開発など、その活動の範囲は多岐に渡る。変化の速いグローバル社会において活躍するには、文化・分野横断型の協働学習に重きを置いたイノベーターの育成が重要であると考える。ダートマス大学学士、マサチューセッツ大学修士。

甚上直子(Naoko Jinjo) マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー東京支社およびMcKinsey Global Institute(米国・サンフランシスコ)での勤務を経て、東京大学において特任助教としてリーダーシップ・プログラムの開発・運営業務に従事。現在は、設立準備段階から関わっているインターナショナル・スクール・オブ・アジア軽井沢(ISAK)ならびに教育関連の非営利団体において、教育・研修プログラムの設計・運営を担当。国際基督教大学教養学部卒、米国スタンフォード大学教育大学院修士課程修了。

マーク・パルファー(Mark Pulfer) 国際的視野は体験型学習を通して育てることができると信じている国際経験豊かな理科教員。南アフリカやパプワニューギニアなどで子ども時代を過ごした経験から自然と多様な価値観や文化を理解するようになった。ISAKには初期からカリキュラム作りに関わる。現在はカナダの西バンクーバーにあるMulgrave Schoolにて国際バカロレアの化学および理科を教える。ユナイテッド・ワールド・カレッジ・アトランティック卒、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学学士。

お問い合わせ:[email protected] (プログラム・ディレクター:河本あさ美)


ISAK Educators Workshop 2016: Collaborative Curriculum Development Workshop

In a world of increasing change and uncertainty, educators are asked to make the shift from a content knowledge-focused classroom to an inquiry-based classroom, where students learn proactively and teachers learn along with the students. At ISAK, we continue to explore how we can make such learning happen in the classroom while fulfilling various requirements.

This May, ISAK will once again hold a workshop for educators who are passionate about this new style of learning. We held educators workshops in 2013 and 2015 and the response was overwhelmingly positive. This year, we will bring the experience to the next level by offering an opportunity to share best practices and innovative ideas with each other.

About the Event
  • Purpose:  In interdisciplinary teams of two to six, we will develop a lesson plan for academics, mindset education such as curiosity, empathy, leadership, and diversity, or the mixture of both. We will provide an opportunity to work together with like-minded educators across the nation. (Examples of possible projects: “High school Japanese history and diversity education”, “Grade 7 science and design thinking”. Specific theme will be decided by the team on site.)
  • Your Takeaway:  The lesson plan developed by each team, including how to implement each plan, potential challenges that you foresee in implementing each plan, and solutions to those problems.
  • Dates:  May 21st (Sat) 10:00 am – May 22nd (Sun) 4:00 pm
  • Venue:  Karuizawa, Japan (Details of the venue will be announced to the participants)
  • Requirements:
    1.You are interested in holistic education and active learning
    2. You can attend the entire two day program
    3. In order to make this event the most meaningful and collaborative experience possible, once we confirm your attendance, you will be interviewed by our staff members
  • Notes:
    1. No minimum teaching experience is required. Our advisors and staff will offer support throughout the curriculum development process.
    2. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available spots, we might have to choose participants by lottery.
  • Participants:  The majority of participants will be teachers in secondary education. We will accept applications from people who do not necessarily fall into this category. However, please note that since the purpose of the workshop is to develop a lesson plan, the primary focus will be on secondary education.
  • Number of participants:  70
  • Language:  Primarily Japanese. We will provide a bilingual support on as-needed basis.
  • Fee:  26,180 yen (Food and accommodation included. Transportation fee is not provided)
  • How to apply:  For those who understand Japanese, sign up here. For those who do not, no worries! Just email us at [email protected] that you would like to apply.
  • Application deadline:  April 18th 12:00 am
  • Time Schedule:
    Day one
    10:00 Opening
    10:30 Workshop by advisors
    12:00 Lunch
    13:00 Kickoff: Mix, mingle and meet your teammates.
    13:30 Start rolling
    18:30 Party
    Day two
    12:00 Lunch
    13:00 Presentations begin
    14:30 Feedback session by teams
    15:00 Ending session
    16:00 Closing
    *Schedule subject to awesome changes
  • Advisors:

Jim Masker
For over 30 years Jim has developed formal and nonformal education programs for children and adults in the United States, Asia, and South America. Believing the fundamental goal of education is to create humane and sustainable futures, Jim has designed curriculum for diverse topics including international relations, contemporary global issues, renewable energy systems, comparative politics, and climate change. Additionally, he has planned, implemented and evaluated workshops, seminars and conferences, while also creating programs focusing on teacher training, international travel-study, and community development. M.A. in Education and Future Studies; University of Massachusetts.

Naoko Jinjo
Naoko currently works at ISAK where she has been a part of the founding project team. Naoko has many experiences in designing and executing educational and training programs, including summer programs at ISAK, leadership programs for graduate students at the University of Tokyo and a 3-week intensive training program for novice school teachers at an education nonprofit. Prior to working in education management, Naoko was a consultant at McKinsey & Company. Naoko holds a BA from International Christian University and an MA in Education from Stanford University.

Mark Pulfer
Mark Pulfer is an educator who has been immersed in an international environment his entire life. Having grown up in various parts of the world including Southern Africa and Papua New Guinea he has an intrinsic understanding of different cultures and perspectives. He currently teaches IB Chemistry, General Science and Environmental Systems and Societies at Mulgrave School in West Vancouver. Mr. Pulfer is a passionate educator who believes in fostering global mindedness through experiential education. At the age of 16 he won a place at the United World College of the Atlantic in Wales. He has an Honors degree in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia.

Supported by:Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]  (Program Director: Asami Kawamoto)

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