How to Apply

This page features information regarding how to apply to our three-year program from Grade 10. Note that we do not accept direct applications for Grade 11 entry. If you are already in Grade 10 and wish to apply to UWC, you can either apply through the UWC national committee in your country of residence/citizenship or through the Global Selection Programme (GSP).

How to Apply - Grade 10

The online application for 2026 entry will open in September 2025

Application Timeline

Monday September 2nd

Applications Open

Monday December 2nd

Application Deadline

December 3rd to January 10th

Application Review Period

January 15th

Application Stage 1 Results

After our stage 1 application review process, only successful students will be invited to an online interview and group assessment. 

January 25th to February 5th

Interview and Group Assessment Period

February 12th

Early Results for Students in Japan

Students studying in Japanese schools following the Japanese academic calendar can opt into receiving their application decision early. This will not increase or decrease their chance of selection.

February 17th

Early Results Commitment Deadline

February 21st

Regular Results

March 2nd

Regular Commitment Deadline

Application Documents

You will need to submit the following items as part of the online application. The deadline for all of these is the same as the deadline for the online application. More detailed information regarding required documents is provided in the online application.

In addition to the required documents you will need to provide us with the details (name and email address) of one academic reference and one non-academic Reference as part of the application process. The academic reference should be a teacher and the non-academic reference should be an adult who is not related to you and knows you well (piano teacher, sports team coach, leader of a volunteer organization, etc.) Full details can be found in the application form, but you can already start by identifying who you will ask to be your reference.

Online Application

UWC ISAK Japan uses an online application process.

Step 1

Create an account for our online application system

Create an account for our online application system. If you already have a UWC ISAK Japan account on SurveyMonkey Apply (such as if you applied for UWC ISAK Japan Summer School), you do not need to create a new account.

Important: Make sure to record and remember the email and password used for your account.

Step 2

Submit the registration form

Submit the registration form. This is a simple form that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. After submitting this form, the Office of Admissions will verify your eligibility for Grade 10 entry (within one week of submission).

Step 3

Confirmed eligibility

If your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to access the full online application form. Please check your spam/junk email folder if you do not receive the email. Click on the link and you will be directed to the application form.

Step 4

Complete application form

The full application consists of several sections; some must be completed by you, the applicant, and some must be completed by your parent or guardian. In addition to answering several short-answer (up to 250 words) and 2 long-answer (up to 500 words) questions, you will also need to submit 1 video of yourself (maximum 2 minutes). In order to complete these tasks to the best possible standard you should allow plenty of time to complete your application. You can also work on Steps 5, 6 and 7 below during this period.

Step 5

Provide the details of your references

Provide the details of your academic and non-academic references. Our online system will send an automatic email to your references to ask them to complete a reference form. This can be completed in English or Japanese and your reference must submit their reference form before the application deadline. Please ask your reference to check their spam/junk email folder if they do not receive this email. 

Step 6

Upload all required documents

Step 7

Pay the non-refundable application fee and submit your application

Pay the non-refundable application fee (20,000 JPY) before submitting your application. Applicants can be considered for an application fee waiver, based on their annual household income. Please see the online application instructions for more information.

Next Steps

Applicants who are successful after the First Round will be contacted by email by the deadline listed above and invited to participate in the final assessment, consisting of an interview and additional selection activities. This assessment will be conducted online for all applicants.

Grade 10 Application Process FAQs

UWC ISAK Japan is an international school, and the written application and interview are in English. However, Japanese parents can complete the parent section of the application in Japanese.

We do not require your school to submit official academic records directly to the Office of Admission as part of the application process. We will require school documentation to confirm grades, but unofficial copies of academic records (report cards, progress reports, exam results, etc) can be provided directly by the applicant. Selected students will need to request their previous school(s) to submit official academic records directly to the Office of Admissions at a later date.

An academic reference completed by a teacher at your current school is ideal but not required. If it is not possible to obtain an academic reference from any of your current teachers, we will accept a reference from a previous teacher or someone else who knows you in an academic context as an alternative.

UWC ISAK Japan is unable to accept mid-year transfer students.

Residential life is one of the core elements of the UWC ISAK Japan program, as we believe that students’ learning outside the classroom is just as important as formal academics. All UWC ISAK Japan students are required to live in the on-campus residences and participate in residential activities.

Yes, all students enrolled at UWC ISAK Japan are considered UWC students, whether they applied to UWC ISAK Japan directly for Grade 10 enrollment or were selected by a UWC National Committee or the Global Selection Programme for Grade 11 enrollment.

Students who enroll at UWC ISAK Japan for Grade 10 (Pre-IB) will automatically continue on at UWC ISAK Japan for the IB Diploma Programme, and there is no need to reapply.