#ISAKfamily Photo Contest

ISAK is a small, residential school where students and faculty live together as one large extended family. As the school year comes to a close and we prepare to say goodbye to each other for the summer, we thought it would be fun to take a look at what family means at ISAK with our #ISAKfamily photo contest. Students, faculty and staff submitted photos that represented #ISAKfamily and we chose a winner randomly from all of the entries. (Congratulations, Mrs. Hasham, for winning the contest!!!)

What did we learn from the photos? The ISAK family loves to cook and share meals together. They serve others, take care of each other, and sometimes they can be a little crazy! Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest. Here are a few of the photos we received:
#ISAKfamily2#ISAKfamily1#ISAKfamily3 #ISAKfamily4 #ISAK5#ISAKfamily8

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