SECOM Donates Full Security System to ISAK

When ISAK opens in 2014, the high school will be a fully residential program with all students living on campus, so the safety and well-being of ISAK students is of utmost importance to us. Just as we were debating the best approach to campus security, SECOM, the largest security service company in Japan, offered to provide ISAK with a complete security system as a pro bono service. The only stipulation made by SECOM was that ISAK “provide an outstanding educational experience that will shape the future of Japan and be an inspiration to the world.”

SECOM’s generous offer not only includes a full security system for the ISAK campus, but also covers the cost of annual equipment maintenance, security personnel and other running costs. We cannot express how grateful we are for this show of support for ISAK and our educational mission.
It is through the amazing generosity of companies such as SECOM that we have been able to clear successive hurdles as we work toward the opening of our high school in 2014. Later this year, we will begin accepting applications for our first cohort of students, and we are eager to show our thanks to SECOM and all of our other corporate and individual supporters by offering students a world-class educational opportunity.

Security at ISAK

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