Areas of Giving

At UWC ISAK Japan, your contributions create profound and lasting impacts, enriching both the educational and personal development of our students. Discover the areas where your support can make a difference.

Our gratitude extends far beyond academic achievements. We are amazed by the holistic approach that UWC ISAK Japan takes towards education, focusing not only on intellectual development but also on nurturing the personal, social, and emotional growth of each student.

Projects Supported by Funds

Your contributions can be directed to a number of project areas, which you can select in the donation form. See below for more details.

Academic & Pastoral Program Development

Donations directed towards our Academic & Pastoral Program Development will significantly enrich our offerings, especially in areas like Outdoor Education, Leadership, Project Week and Pastoral Care, among others. Your contributions in this area will help ensure an enhanced learning environment, expanding opportunities and enriching experiences for our students.

Student Financial Assistance Program

To truly foster an educational environment enriched with “diversity,” we grant non-repayable financial assistance to 70% of our students. Thanks to this financial assistance program, students from 80 countries, coming from various economic backgrounds, come together to learn and grow. Your generous support will be allocated to our school’s scholarship fund.

Community Well-being

Donations directed towards ‘Community Well-being’ will support training and professional development opportunities for our faculty and staff, and serve other operational needs that directly and indirectly benefit our entire school community. Our faculty and staff are a second family to our students and these resources empower them further to provide a high-quality education and boarding school experience, ensuring the holistic development of every student.

Short Programs

Your donations towards Short Programs support our short-term educational experiences that broaden students’ perspectives, build leadership skills, and encourage community involvement. These programs, such as Summer School and Winter School, serve as a launching pad to our three-year High School program. By contributing, you provide financial assistance to deserving students who otherwise couldn’t join these programs, ensuring that we have a diverse mix of backgrounds and perspectives from all walks of life.

Area of Greatest Need

The dynamic nature of educational institutions means that both planned and unplanned needs arise at different times. These needs can range from program-related requirements to facility upgrades or unforeseen challenges. By donating to the “area of greatest need,” you provide the school with the flexibility to allocate funds to the most critical areas at any given time.

How To Give

Go directly to our donation form here or visit our How to Give page to learn more.