Ms. Murabayashi’s Weekly Update – March 6

Greetings from Karuizawa!

We’ve reached 12 degrees Celsius!  Wow!  Rain is expected tomorrow but temperatures should mostly remain in this range.  If last year is any guide, we shouldn’t be surprised by a random snowfall this month or even next, but it’s clear that spring is on its way 🙂

Unbelievably, the third quarter of the year ends in two weeks on Friday, March 18.  The time is flying by!  With students focused on wrapping up assignments before the end of the quarter there are no special events planned for the next two weeks.  Project Week starts immediately after that, followed by Spring Break — and then it’ll be April.  Wow!

Click through the sider below to see photos from the past several days:

In other news, one of our G-11 students, Selin, attended the Global Education City Model United Nations (GECMUN) conference in Jeju Island, South Korea during February break. You can read about it here.

We’ve had several visitors to campus over the past few weeks. As many of you know, we were lucky to be part of the Colleges That Change Lives tour. Representatives from some highly-regarded liberal arts institutions provided excellent information in an energetic presentation. You can read more about the visit here.

We were also fortunate to have a visit from a former New York Yankees fitness coach.  This was in conjunction with the work of one of our student groups, PEAK, which has organized different fitness activities for the students.  YOu can read about the visit and see photos here.

Other visitors:  The ISAK Guest Speaker Committee invited two speakers to the ISAK Guest Speaker Forum, Ms. Caroline Berube (an international lawyer) and Mr. Kotaro Yamagishi (the Founder of GREE). We were honored to host both of them at ISAK.  The Guest Speaker Committee has already brought in an impressive array of speakers and is working hard to invite more so that we can learn about the life-changing experiences that shaped who they are today.

– Ms. Murabayashi, ISAK Assistant Head of School

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