Discover the global impact of the UWC Movement through its 18 schools, 158 national committees, and over 60,000 alumni, all dedicated to transforming education and fostering a more peaceful and sustainable future.

What is UWC?
A unique kind of learning since 1962
United World Colleges (“UWC”) comprises schools and colleges in 18 countries and regions, and national committees and selection contacts in more than 158 countries.
The UWC movement also consists of more than 60,000 alumni and other members in virtually every country in the world.
UWC International is governed by the International Board and UWC Council. The executive arm of the International Board is the International Office, based in London.
The scope of the UWC movement is truly global!
UWC Locations

At a Glance
UWC Strategy
2018 and Beyond
The last week of October 2017 was an important week for the UWC movement: members from all UWC constituencies came together at UWC Robert Bosch College in Freiburg (Germany) to finalise and approve the next UWC Strategy entitled “UWC Strategy – 2018 and Beyond”. Heads and Chairs of all 17 UWC schools and colleges, the members of the Committee of National Committees (CNC) and the UWC Council and International Board gave final input prior to the Strategy’s official approval by the UWC International Board on 29 October 2017.
This Strategy will inform the work of UWC International and all UWC constituencies going forward. Its aim is simple: to increase UWC’s impact in making education a force for a more peaceful and sustainable future. It broadens UWC’s ambition from providing transformative education for its students to becoming a global voice for values and diversity based education for peace and sustainability.
The Strategy presents concrete ways in which the set objectives will be achieved and clarifies how all UWC constituencies and members will play a role in the implementation of the Strategy: from UWC schools and colleges to national committees, from students to alumni, from staff to volunteers and from donors to partner organisations. A comprehensive strategy document is available on the website.