MUN Team Earns Invitation to UN Headquarters

mun-trophyWe are proud to announce that the ISAK MUN (Model United Nations) team finished first at last week’s MUN conference in Tokyo.  The ISAK MUN team, which consists of 14 students grades 10-12, was awarded best overall delegation and received top delegate honors in three out of four committees. Individual awards for ISAK students included:

Vichy – Special Mention in the DISEC
Lita – High Commendation in the National Diet
Tiyi – High Commendation in the Lok Sabha
Vidya – Best Delegate in the Lok Sabha
Toni – Best Delegate in the DISEC
Zoe – Best Delegate in the UNSC

Sinan – Best Delegate in the UNSC

The Indian International MUN (IIMUN) organization, a student run organization out of Mumbai for high school and university students up to the age of 24, hosted the conference in Tokyo. IMUN sponsors 500 conferences in India and 115 worldwide of which the Tokyo conference was their first in Japan.

By being chosen as the top delegation at the conference, the ISAK MUN team secured an invitation to attend the prestigious MUN Conference in New York City next August which will be held at United Nations Headquarters. Participants will use the actual committee rooms and general assembly chamber for their conference. 1,000 students are expected to attend and the top delegate at the conference will be offered a six month internship at the UN. According to ISAK’s MUN advisor, Mr. Fitzgerald, “I see no reason why this person could not be one of our own.”


The MUN team is currently discussing ways to fundraise for this trip and will share details as they unfold.

Want to learn more? Watch this informative video about the collegiate MUN conference at United Nations headquarters. (ISAK students have been invited to a high school equivalent of this event!)

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