ISAK’s Project Nepal Team Honored with Award

Nepal Award 2ISAK’s Project Nepal team has been working to support victims of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal for several months now, and through crowd-funding and other efforts the group has raised more the $20,000!

Throughout the project, Grade 11 students, Himanshu, Karma, Sangita, Yashwini, Yuichiro, Paolo, and Dilrabo have tried to focus on what is most important and needed in the disaster area as they determine the best way to allocate funds and help put people’s lives back together. To understand the situation better, the team has conducted research and interviewed various volunteers on the ground as well as NGO’s working in disaster relief.

In honor of their efforts in helping the earthquake victims, ISAK students received a certificate from the former President of Nepal. Himanshu, one of the Nepali students on the team, received the award over winter break.

The students worked with a local campaign, started by a Member of Parliament in Nepal, called the ‘Let’s Build Schools Campaign’ to build 13 temporary learning centers throughout various earthquake affected rural areas. On December 28th, they were invited to a felicitation ceremony to recognize their efforts in helping the campaign, and Himanshu who represented the team received a certificate from the former President of Nepal, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav. The students have also been working on building healthcare centers in the rural areas.

We are proud of the Project Nepal team for working for positive change.



「私たちのこのプロジェクトへの情熱は、母国への愛から生まれています。今日の自分たちを創ってくれた母国に、恩返しをしたいと思っています。」— ISAK’s Project NEPALのメンバーたちの言葉(3名がネパール出身。彼らに共感する生徒たち4名が活動に加わりました。)

ネパール大震災の被災地を支援するISAK’s Project NEPALを立ち上げた生徒たちは、これまでにクラウドファンディングで2万ドル以上を募り、様々な困難を乗り越えながら、大きな成果をあげてきました。彼らは、現地で活動するボランティアやNGOと連携し、何度もリサーチやインタビューを重ね、被災地にとって最も重要なこと、必要とされていることは何なのかにフォーカスしながら、被災者の生活再建のために最適な資金の使い途を考えました。
昨年12月28日、彼らはこの活動に協力した団体を集めた謝恩セレモニーに招待され、チームを代表して出席したヒマンシュが、ネパール元大統領(Dr. Ram Baran Yadav)より感謝状を贈られました。(彼らは、この他に地方の農村部に医療センターを建設する事業にも取り組んでいます。)
*ISAK’s ProjectNEPALの活動は、昨年朝日新聞にも取り上げられました。

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