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ISAK Student Attends Yale Young Global Scholars Program

Toni (pictured middle) at Yale University with new friends from around the world.
What did you do this summer?

Toni, Philippines – ISAK Class of 2017, attended Yale University’s Young Global Scholars program this summer and shared this report:

“This summer, I spent two weeks at Yale University in a summer school called Yale Young Global Scholars. I studied International Affairs and Security alongside a group of highly intellectual and diverse students from over 105 countries. During this program, I had the opportunity to interact with Yale professors and students as we discussed international affairs and diplomatic relations. I even got advice for everyday life!

I applied to this program because I have always been interested in international affairs. In my first two years at ISAK, I was able to explore my passion in this subject through the rich conversations I had with my peers. In daily conversations, I began to understand more about the issues prevailing in the countries from which my peers originate from. This ignited a curiosity in me to learn more about the world, resulting in determination to create some sort of positive change.

This summer school was definitely an experience of a lifetime and I hope to share what I learned with my classmates at ISAK this August!”

– Maritoni (Toni), ISAK Class of 2017

私がこのプログラムに応募した理由は、ずっと国際情勢に興味があったからです。でも、私がこのテーマに情熱を感じるようになったのは、ISAKに来てからだと気づいたんです。ISAKでは、同級生との濃厚な日々の会話のなかで、自分のパッションについて模索することができました。 寮生活で日々みんなと話すなかで、彼ら彼女らの出身国が抱える問題について、理解が深まっていくようになりました。こうした経験が、自分のなかの「もっと世界を知りたい」という好奇心を刺激し、ポジティブな変化を起こしたい、という決意につながっていったのです。
このサマースクールは、一生忘れられない経験になったので、8月にISAKに戻ったとき、学校の仲間たちに自分の学んだことを共有したい、と思っています。ー ISAK1期生 マリトーニ(フィリピン出身)からの寄稿

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Imagine… if there was an ISAK lower school!

Dear Friends of UWC ISAK,

UWC ISAK is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We are proud of where we’ve come from, and we are excited about the next decade.

At this important milestone, we are wondering – in pursuit of broadening our impact, could an ISAK Lower School be considered as one of the options and would it be feasible? A school that embraces ISAK values and vision for a better future?

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