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ISAK Says Thank You to Jesse Palmer

JesseOn June 7, after our students departed to spend their summer holiday in their home countries, all ISAK faculty members and staff gathered on campus to reflect upon our first school year. (和文は投稿下部)For Jesse Palmer, our teaching fellow, it was time to say goodbye a time for reflection.

When asked to sum up his thoughts about ISAK, Jesse had this to say:

“Everyone here is incredibly committed to the students’ leadership and growth as their number one priority. And I hope we make sure that continues to be the case as an organization. “

Jesse first joined ISAK as a Summer School counselor in 2010 while he was an undergraduate at Stanford University. Since that time, Jesse has served as a role model for hundreds of students who have been a part of ISAK. His passion and commitment have been invaluable, and the ISAK community would not be where it is today without hime.

Thank you, Jesse, for all your hard work over the past five years at ISAK. We wish you the very best of luck for your future!

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Imagine… if there was an ISAK lower school!

Dear Friends of UWC ISAK,

UWC ISAK is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We are proud of where we’ve come from, and we are excited about the next decade.

At this important milestone, we are wondering – in pursuit of broadening our impact, could an ISAK Lower School be considered as one of the options and would it be feasible? A school that embraces ISAK values and vision for a better future?

As we embark on this journey, if you would like to participate in possible market research and receive updates, please subscribe to our mailing list.

