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A Moment of Silence on 3/11

Today marks the second anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Thousands of lives were lost that day, and many survivors are still working to rebuild their lives under very difficult circumstances. We would like to take this time to pay our respects to those affected by the disaster, and send our prayers and encouragement as the recovery continues.

Natural disasters and other crises can occur anytime, anywhere. At ISAK, we want to foster young people who are able to take action even in difficult times, with the capacity to identify issues and cooperate to find solutions in order to improve the world around them.

We hope that you will join us in taking a moment to think of the residents of Tohoku and around the world who are working to recover from natural disasters.

Roderick Jemison, Head of School
Lin Kobayashi, Chair of the Board

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Imagine… if there was an ISAK lower school!

Dear Friends of UWC ISAK,

UWC ISAK is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We are proud of where we’ve come from, and we are excited about the next decade.

At this important milestone, we are wondering – in pursuit of broadening our impact, could an ISAK Lower School be considered as one of the options and would it be feasible? A school that embraces ISAK values and vision for a better future?

As we embark on this journey, if you would like to participate in possible market research and receive updates, please subscribe to our mailing list.

