Students Prepare for SAT Test

SAT-Preparation-ISAKFor the past two days, 35 students participated in a six hour, FREE SAT preparation course provided by AGOS Japan, a leading standardized test preparation company.  We are thrilled that many of our students took advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

Students commented that they received helpful tips on how to practice for the exam, identified the areas where they need to study further and saw improvement in a short amount of time. We think the experience was great for building their confidence as they get closer to taking the test in May. The instructor mentioned how impressed he was with our students. He cited their strong academic ability, high level of commitment, and gratitude for the support they received. We are hopeful there will be similar opportunities for our students in the future.

There is no obligation for students to continue studying with AGOS Japan, but they may, if they wish (regular fees will apply).  Interested students will contact AGOS directly to make arrangements.
