Project Week Update from G-11 Project Karuiku

Fall 2016 Project Week is wrapping up and reports are starting to come in from several groups. G-11 Project Karuiku is an interactive learning program for Japanese students in the Karuizawa area which combines the three main aspects of ISAK’s teaching: leadership, design-innovation and mindfulness. The group’s goal is to “make a positive impact on education in Japan”.

Last spring the group visited local Japanese schools to observe the atmosphere and curriculum. Based on their experience, the students began developing a plan for their workshops. This week, the group held its first leadership workshop at a local Japanese school, with plans for more to come.

Team member, Pran, shared,”My group and I believe that there are many things we can contribute to the Japanese education system. Our ultimate goal is to foster an environment conducive to open discussion amongst students of the world, starting with Japan. ”

– Pran, Thailand/US

日本の教育にポジティブなインパクトをもたらすことをめざして – プロジェクト軽育が地元の学校の生徒さんたちに初めてリーダーシップのワークショップを行いました
「私のチームは、日本の教育システムに自分たちが貢献できることがたくさんあると信じています。春のプロジェクトウィーク中、私たちは日本の小中学校を訪れ、教室の雰囲気を視察させてもらいました。僕たちの最終的なゴールは、生徒間のオープンな対話が生まれる環境を学校のなかで育むこと。それを日本を皮切りに世界に広げていくために、プログラムを作っていきたいです。」ープロジェクト軽育メンバー Pran(タイ/米国出身)

ISAK Project Week is made possible in part by a generous donation from Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
