Mr. Jemison, ISAK Head of School, featured on Malaysian radio!

roderick-2Students at ISAK often hear inspirational words from Head of School, Mr. Jemison, but last week he had the opportunity to share his message with a larger audience… on Malaysian radio!

Mr. Jemison was interviewed for Raise the Game, a radio show on Malaysian business station, BFM 89.9. The interview, which took place on Universal Children’s Day, focused on how ISAK helps young people become catalysts for positive change. Here is a brief excerpt from the interview:

“We empower our students to believe that they have a voice to make a difference. Each and everyday, we ask our students what is most important and what they care about. Then we encourage them to take an action, and follow up on implementing those ideas. This is what we do at ISAK and this is why we are different.”

You can listen to the entire interview here:


