We are excited to share that after several years of tireless work by our board, founders, and community leaders, ISAK has been approved as an official United World Colleges (UWC) school! ISAK joins 16 other prestigious member schools worldwide who are part of the UWC movement. We are honored to be part of UWC and look forward to collaborating with schools in places like UK, Norway, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Italy and Costa Rica to make the UWC community even stronger.
Over the next several months, we will gradually transition to our new name, UWC ISAK Japan, and in August, 2017 we will welcome our first 30 UWC students from 30 countries for Grade 11 enrollment. These students, selected by their countries’ national committees, will join the 45 ISAK students currently enrolled in Grade 10. You can learn more about how to apply directly to ISAK (Grade 10 entry) and how to apply to UWC (Grade 11 entry) on our How to Apply page.
ISAK’s mission and vision will remain the same, but will become even more powerful when combined with the UWC mission “to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.”
Even though the transition to our new name will take several months, ISAK has been granted immediate access to UWC resources, including the Davis Scholarship. Thanks to the tremendous generosity of philanthropist Shelby Davis, a long-time supporter of UWC, graduates of UWC schools who gain admission to selected US colleges or universities qualify for need-based scholarship support. Currently, nearly 70% of ISAK’s students receive some level of financial assistance, and the Davis UWC Scholarship Program will greatly boost their opportunities to study at some of the world’s best colleges and universities. Additionally, international students who wish to attend Japanese universities will be eligible for scholarships from the Japan Foundation.
For more information, view our press release here.
ISAKの学校名は【UWC ISAK Japan】へと移行する予定で(完全移行のタイミング未定)、来年度は約30カ国出身の30名がUWCのネットワークから当校の高校2年生の枠に派遣される予定です。尚、これによりISAKとしてのミッション、教育理念が変わることはありません。UWCのミッション「世界の平和と持続可能な未来を実現するために、教育の力で世界の人、国、文化をひとつにする」と調和することで、より一層パワフルなものとなることを期待しています。