ISAK Student, Jim, Practices Leadership

Jim at Summer SchoolISAK Summer School kicks off this weekend, and volunteers have been graciously helping prepare the dormitories. One of the helpers is Jim, an ISAK high school student from Somalia. After a year of living on campus and learning leadership, Jim has been astounding the Summer School staff with his growth and maturity. Despite being slightly bewildered by tasks he had never done before, in just a few days Jim has taken the initiative for new responsibilities as he thinks about the needs of the Summer School participants.

When a Summer School staff member found Jim neatly aligning each trash bin on campus with trash bags, she told him, “It’s ok! You don’t have to do that.” Jim responded, “I’m sure there will be people who do not know how to use these bins properly because it will be their first time here. This will help them.”

Drawing from his own experiences living in the campus dormitories, he continued on with his preparations. Jim, we are so grateful for the initiative you take to help out the Summer School students!



