ISAK Joins Crowdfunding System for Scholarship Donations

The application deadline for ISAK Summer School is drawing near, and we have already received more than 200 pre-entry applications from 23 countries and regions around the world.

In order to provide financial assistance to as many applicants as possible, ISAK has joined the cloud funding system “READYFOR?” as a way to raise funds for additional Summer School scholarships.

As this crowdfunding system is in Japanese only, we ask that supporters interested in donating to Summer School scholarships who are unable to navigate the “READYFOR?” system visit our Support page for other donation options.

As always, thank you for your support!

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Grade 10 Application Open

The application for Grade 10 entry for the 2025-26 school year is open until December 2, 2024. Visit our Admissions page to learn more and be sure to sign up to our newsletter for updates.

