A Grateful Community

School assemblies are a great opportunity for us all to spend some time together as a full school community to discuss important events and initiatives, to entertain, and to reconnect with each other.

At one recent assembly, we took a moment to reflect on what we are grateful for and we’d like to share with you 100 items that came out of this exercise. The actually list was well beyond only 100 items, but we think this selection will provide a poignant reminder to everyone within this community of how blessed we are. We also think it provides insight to those outside the UWC ISAK Japan community about what makes this school and its people such a special place to live and learn.

3 meals per day
A community that let’s me make mistakes and supports me as I learn from them
Ability to pursue passions
Ability to walk outside at night safely
Advisory groups
Amazing and generous donors!
Amazing delivery services and staff
Art supplies
Assemblies that are actually interesting
Assembly leaders
Bathroom cleaner
Beautiful setting in and around campus
Beautiful trees
Birthday videos
Born into a comfortable situation (family, house, opportunity)
Casar’s Kitchen staff and food
Central heating
Clean air
Clean, clear air and seeing the stars at night
Cleaning staff
Community-organized events
Consistent electricity
Dance parties
Dedication from faculty and staff
Deepa’s midnight cooking
Different languages
Easy access to safe drinking water
Encouraging environment to grow
Extended curfews
Facilties team
Financial Assistance programs
Food, dorm, and Mr. McGibbon
Free periods
Fresh snow on campus
Friends and housemates that make my ISAK house feel like home
Great dorm kitchens
Heated toilet seats
Helping me be the best I can be
Indoor shoes
Interesting conversations
Japan (safety, festivals, food, people, infrastructure)
Japan’s 4 distinct and beautiful seasons
Level of student autonomy
Life and good health
Linen service
Maths (high-level)
Messages of kindness (and snacks) from friends
Mt. Asama
My ISAK house, house parents, and Penny (resident 1-year old bundle of cuteness)
My own personal growth as a member of this community
Nice weather
Open dialogue
Our beds!
Outdoor Ed program and facilitators
PE class
People can be honest with me
Privacy that is respected and protected
Quality education
Quality teachers
Really nice smiles
Responsible and trustworthy roommates
Rice (plenty of rice)
Rufus the dog
Sacrifices everyone has made to be at ISAK
Salt that melts ice and snow
School counsellors
School nurses
Seeing students pursue and create opportunities
Socks without holes
Stop-and-Clean items
Stop-and-Clean groups
Students that care about their school and community
Students’ energy
Supportive community
Teachers that actually listen to students
Teachers that live on campus
Tech support team
The fact I can be myself
The gym
The Internet
The opportunity to do things I’ve never done before
The opportunity to live and study at ISAK
The opportunity to study IB
The piano in the small cafeteria
The Rainbow Shuttle and the drivers that take us into town
Uni (sea urchin) and sushi
Unique school timetable
University advisors
Vision and support of ISAK’s founders
Walks at sunrise
Washing machines and dryers
Wi-Fi (24hrs)
Winter break work program


