New Student Group, SNOW, Is Starting

Written by Ayana (Class of 2019, Japan)

A group of students has taken over what used to be known as Student Union, and is rebooting it as SNOW – Seito No Wa. Seito means “students” in Japanese, and Wa can mean “circle”, “harmony”, or “talk” depending on the Kanji used. The mission of the group is “To provide structure and resources for students to take initiatives for the better of the community”, and the group aspires to do so through three different committees.

The three committees are: assembly, problem solving, and mission outreach. They all consist of three to six students working to improve campus life for everyone. SNOW looks forward to updating everyone regularly on the progress of each committee through these newsletter articles. Here is our first notice from the committees.

A committee organizing and creating an assembly time and structure that is more beneficial to the needs of the students (students’ assembly) and the whole community (community assembly). The committee consists of Natalie (Class of 2019, Argentina/Taiwan), Souichiro (Class of 2019, Japan), Yuto (Class of 2019, Japan), Lucy (Class of 2020, Canada), and Kwodwo (Class of 2020, Ghana).

Currently, the committee is working on the community assembly scheduled in the first week after the autumn break. The committee is planning a short fun activity to get to know the faculty and staff more!

Problem Solving:
A committee working on solving problems on campus by experimenting with new ideas on rules, norms, conventions, and more. This committee has taken over the job that the Student Union has done in the past few years. The committee consists of Jofi (Class of 2020, Argentina), Aniqa (Class of 2020, Pakistan), Valentina (Class of 2020, Colombia), Wesley (Class of 2019, South Sudan), Larry (Class of 2020, Burkina Faso), and Yuina (Class of 2021, Japan).

The problem solving committee worked on 24-hour wifi during autumn break, and also has surveyed the community to identify needs and potential changes that could be made to satisfy those needs. It has received 13 responses, and the committee is starting to work on it this semester.

Mission Outreach:
A committee working to explore the mission of the school in greater ways. As this is a completely new attempt, the committee is ideating the possible actions and opportunities as it works on them.


